ShardingSphere 4.x Sharding Concept Configuration
Sharding Rule
The main entrance for Sharding rules includes the configurations of data source, tables, binding tables and read-write split.
Data Sources Configuration
Real data sources list.
Tables Configuration
Configurations of logic table names, data node and table sharding rules.
Data Node Configuration
It is used in the configurations of the mapping relationship between logic tables and actual tables and can be divided into two kinds: uniform distribution and user-defined distribution.
- Uniform distribution
It means that data tables are evenly distributed in each data source, for example:
├── t_order0
└── t_order1
├── t_order0
└── t_order1
So the data node configurations will be as follow:
db0.t_order0, db0.t_order1, db1.t_order0, db1.t_order1
- User-defined distribution
It means that data tables are distributed with certain rules, for example:
├── t_order0
└── t_order1
├── t_order2
├── t_order3
└── t_order4
So the data node configurations will be as follow:
db0.t_order0, db0.t_order1, db1.t_order2, db1.t_order3, db1.t_order4
Sharding Strategy Configuration
There are two dimensions of sharding strategies, database sharding and table sharding.
- Database sharding strategy
is used to configure data in the targeted database.
- Table sharding strategy
is used to configure data in the targeted table that exists in the database. So the table sharding strategy relies on the result of the database sharding strategy.
API of those two kinds of strategies are totally same.
Auto-increment Key Generation Strategy
Replacing the original database auto-increment key with that generated in the server can make distributed key not repeat.